Last Results

Period No Date Prize 1 Prize 2 Prize 3
#917 2023-06-28 490467 187376 887681
#916 2023-06-27 406621 835013 179622
#915 2023-06-26 714885 329699 309380
#914 2023-06-25 496351 993773 379620
#913 2023-06-24 430732 178408 251304
#912 2023-06-23 653216 456427 208584
#911 2023-06-22 352981 751679 091587
#910 2023-06-21 543972 321617 769893
#909 2023-06-20 236507 769894 514384
#908 2023-06-19 015319 543286 973697
Winners E/Day

Frequently Asks Questions

Mostly asked questions for our beginner players. You can find the FAQ here without any worries.

  1. You Can buy the tickets in your nearest stores. With Only RD$ 2
  2. Play with 2 - 4 Numbers available in your scratch cards.
  3. Even can play at your online gambling site which our market is available to play.
  4. Check Your winning in our Livedraw page by simply navigate in our menu above.
  1. Some Countries maybe illegal to play scratch cards or lottery tickets.
  2. Play with your own responsibilty
  3. Age must be above 18+
  1. Play with minimum stake to avoid any financial brokes.
  2. Try Checking our last result draws so you can easily choose the numbers accurately.
  3. Most Winners win with 2 Digits Lottery with only 0 - 99 numbers to guess.

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